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  The president returns to Malé Velana International Airport [CC by 4.0] President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has concluded unofficial visit to Singapore and returned home today, 5 May 2024. —The President's Office.
28 February 2024   The First Family's Football Relationship —The First Lady previously said that president Muizzu support Leonel Messi During a interview to  Mihaaru news , the president expressed that he has been a Lionel Messi Fan . Following it, his wife First Lady Sajidha said that Muizzu is a Manchester United F.C. Fan , but his daughter and Sajidha herself are Ronaldo & Barcelona F.C. Fans .  —President Muizzu; Manchester United F.C. (Leonel Messi) —First Lady Sajidha, Yasmine (daughter); Barcelona F.C. (Cristiano Ronaldo) —Umair (son) Manchester United F.C. (Cristiano Ronaldo). Watch the  Video on YouTube

President's Relationship with the Press

  The president, Dr.Mohamed Muizzu's public image on press is 'bright as a bulb' meaning, he has been followed by paparazzi everytime, everywhere the president visits. According to sources, during his presidency, the paparazzi has taken more than a 80,000 pictures and videos as of president, the president is a high-grade security person. Having security, everywhere he goes. 
  Watch: High-grade paparazzi on president Dr.Muizzu after; President Dr Mohamed Muizzu visited flood-impacted residences in Malé City that were severely affected by the torrential rains and subsequent flooding. January O1,2024 Read About it  here!

Family of President Dr Mohamed Muizzu

 Mohamed Muizzu Married Sajidha Mohamed on May 18th 2003, Now they have 3 Children, Yasmin Muizzu (19), Umair Muizzu (15) & Zaid Muizzu (7). Left to Right, Zaid, Yasmin and Umair Muizz’s Father is Sheikh Hussain Abdul Rahman born on 1948 & Died in 2015 While in Mecca with Son, Muizzu. Muizzu was living with His parents while he was young. Muizz’s Mother is Husna Adam Ismail Manik Who is Married to Adam Abdul Rahman, Muizz’s Stepfather. Muizzu has a sibling (Mother side), Fathimath Saudha. Muizzu is only child of his father Hussain Abdul Rahman. Muizzu is the eldest child of both, his mother & father. First Lady Sajidha’s Family ____________ Sajidha is the daughter of Habeeba Ali & Sheikh Mohamed Ibrahim. Sajidha is one of the child’s from her father’s 18 children. Sajidha’s Mother has 5 children.

މުހައްމަދު މުއިއްޒު

ރައީސުލްޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާގެ އޮފީހުން ނަގާފައިވާ ފޮޓޯއެއް  TO READ IN ENGLISH CLICK THIS ޑރ.މުޙައްމަދު މުޢިއްޒު' އުފަންވެވަޑައިގަތީ 15 ޖޫން 197 ގައި ރާއްޖޭގެ ވެރިރަށް 'މާލޭ' ގައެވެ.މަންމައަކީ ހުސްނާ އާދަމް އިސްމާޢީލް މަނިކުއެވެ،ބައްޕައަކީ އަލް މަރްހޫމް ޝައިޚް ހުސައިން ޢަބްދުއްރަޙްމާނެވެ.މުއިއްޒު ކައިވެނި ބައްލަވައިގެންނެވީ ސާޖިދާ މުޙައްމަދާއިއެވެ.ދެފަހަރެއްގެ މަތިން އެމަނިކުފާނު މިނިސްޓަރުކަމަށް އައްޔަން ކުރެއްވުނެވެ. އެއީ ހައުސިން މިނިސްޓްރީ އަށް ރައީސް ވަހީދުގެ ސަރުކާރުގައި އަދި ހަމައެހެންމެ ރައީސް އަބްދުﷲ ޔާމީންގެ ސަރުކާރުގައި. ވެސް އައްޔަން ކުރެވުމުންނެވެ. އަމިއްލަ މައުލޫމާތު އަނބިކަނބަލުން: ސާޖިދާ މުހައްމަދު ________ ކައިވެނި ކުރި ދުވަސް:18 މޭއި 2003 _________ ދަރިން:03 _________ ބައްޕަ:އަލް މަރްޙޫމް ޝައިޚް ހުސެން އަބްދުއްރަޙްމާން _________ މަންމަ:ހުސްނާ އާދަމް އިސްމާޢިލް މަނިކު ހުސްނާ އާދަމް އިސްމާޢިލް މަނިކު  ހުސައިން އަބްދުލް ރަހްމާން

Sajidha Mohamed

  Sajidha mohamed  Sajidha Mohamed was born on 1978. She is the first lady of the Maldives as she is the wife of president  Mohamed Muizzu . They married on 18 of May 2003. Sajidha spelled dhivehi; ސާޖިދާ  has 18 half siblings from her father's side and she has 5 half siblings from her mother's side. Sajidha's mother is Habeeba Ali. Her father is shaikh Mohamed Ibrahim. Sajidha has 3 children. __________ Mother: Habeeba Ali _________ Father: Shaikh Mohamed Ibrahim _________ Half siblings/father side: 19 _________ Half siblings/mother side: 5 _________ Children: 3 __________ Spouse:  Mohamed Muizzu __________ Marriage date: 18 May 2003 __________ A picture of Sajidha's family during her wedding